Many of us go through this. We become overwhelmed and find it difficult to fit everything we need to do in the time frame we have available, it is all too hard!. If you are at that point in your decision making regarding starting your own online business, then make sure you read this article which will provide you a two­ step method that can assist you to maximize your time so you can start and run your online business.
  • Step One
For you to free up your time, the first thing you must do is know how you spend your time each day. Time is something that we all get equally: 24 hours in a day and 60 minutes in an hour and we all spend it the full 24 hours in each day doing something. You must take note of how you use your time. For a couple of days to up to a week, record everything you do and how you use your time.
  • Step Two
After keeping a precise record of how you are using your time, you can observe the following points:
1. You get involved in time wasting activities where you are just killing time. Example: watching a replay or rerun of television shows. Something that is not necessary or important to building your business.
2. There are some tasks in your life that you can just entrust to somebody else or outsource.
3. Things that you really must do. These are things that you must accomplish in a time no matter what. For instance: having quality time with your kids and family, or personal down time.
4. Finally, you may be able to do things that allow you to do other things all at the same time! For instance if you are on a train or plane trip, you have the time to do other things rather than just simply sitting waiting to arrive at your destination. These are perfect times to check emails, write articles for blogs, catch up on writing and letters etc.
By following the above suggestions, you may be able to free up a couple of hours from your time scheduled in a day to start up and run an online business. A couple of hours per day would be the minimum time required if you’re really serious about starting up an online business. Wait no more and invest in your future!
Michele and I started a business in a box it is a great way to fast track your success. See the banner on the right of the screen, check it out for yourself.
If time is still a problem for you, rise earlier, go to bed later. Remove things from your daily routine that are not important to achieve the results you desire. If you are struggling to find the time to do everything you need to do to get your business moving forward, then use outsourcing. Click the banner on the screen “Need a VA”. Michele and I use them regularly to  get those things done we do not have time to do and to do the things we are not sure how to do. They are fantastic. Their service is great; they are efficient and get the job done.
Remember – Live Your Life with Purpose


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